Title Ambermoon
Game Type RPG
Players 1
Compatibility needs at least 68020 and a graphics board or AGA
Ambermoon is a RPG which is available in a German version only. The
story is a very dense one: The player starts with a character who takes
for his grandfather in a hut. His grandfather once was a mighty hero. By
exploring the cellars of the hut, the first adventures start drawing the
player in some history about all the surrounding landscape. He has to
visit several towns, dungeons, towers and so on. The story plays not
only on the island the player's character is living on. He has to
journey to other islands and even some of the moons of the planet
Kyrandia. Puzzles have to be solved, many a battle has to be fought
(interesting detail here: there are nearly no random encounters, which
means you won't get annoyed by these like e.g. in the Bard's Tale
series) and comrades have to be found. The puzzles are neither easy nor
too hard. You do not have to solve all of them in a predefined order
although some of them require this.
The graphics of Ambermoon consist of either a 3D-graphics or a
2D-graphics. To be able to use the 3D-graphics at least an 68030 with 25
MHz and a graphics board is recommended. The player sees all dungeons
through the eyes of a selectable party member, ie you get a different
view, when looking through the eyes of a dwarf of through the eyes of an
elf. A deficit is that during a battle, this concept isn't used. Here
you get a kind of a matrix where each combatant stays on one field and
has some option to advance, draw back, fight or use magic or items.
Graphics outside of dungeons/towns or battles is shown from a bird's eye
view which gives sufficient overview to move the party over the
landscape. All graphics and music are very well designed and it gives a
lot of fun playing this or listening to the tunes of Ambermoon.
Ambermoon in my eyes is the best (or at least one of the best) RPGs ever
released. This mainly because of its good story and playability. The
major drawback in my eyes is that it is available in German only,
although this never has been a problem for me personally ;-)
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